
Harvard Community Defends President

"Weld has lots of friends in the Clinton administration," Steele said. "I think the fundamental reason he testified is that there is a battle for the soul of the Republican Party going on here."

"I think Weld has come to the conclu- sion that this type of offense is not what theConstitution is talking about," Steele said.

During his testimony, Weld offered the JudicialCommittee an alternative to impeachment.

"After allegations very similar to those nowbefore you there could be a written acknowledgmentof wrongdoing on the part of the President," Weldsaid. "It's something that could be negotiated toreflect the gravity of what he has done."

Craig passed on the President's apologies tothe committee during his testimony on Tuesday.

"The President wants everyone to know--thecommittee, the Congress and the country--that heis genuinely sorry for the pain and the damagethat he has caused and for the wrongs that he hascommitted," Craig said.


Craig was a member of the Young Democrats whileat Harvard and also served as the UndergraduateCouncil president. He has worked as an aide toformer Senator George M. McGovern, formerCongressman Al Lowenstein, and Senator Edward M.Kennedy '54-'56

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