A handful of researchers can only do so muchcompared to larger corporations, especiallybecause of the complications of finding drugs thatare safe, Huang said.
"In order to design [it] as a drug, it needs tobe a massive force like a pharmaceutical company,"Huang said. "Don't expect much from us."
But by publishing their research, Huang saidthey are providing the starting block for futureefforts.
"We are not going to hold back information," hesaid.
Huang said the group's success was acombination of luck and determination. The rightgroup of people and the right circumstances madethe work possible, he said.
But the team has also been burning the midnightoil for the past several years. Huang said heoften works long hours, remaining at the lab past10 p.m.
"We will work 11 hours a day. Almost novacation," Huang said. "I don't have much patienceto wait very long."
All that work seems to be finally paying off.
"I'm very happy," Huang said. "I feel lucky andat the same time very happy."
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