Oscar Ramos '01 said Resendez's words providedencouragement to students interested in having anethnic studies department on campus.
"As a Latin American history concentrator Iwould love to have classes that pertain to Chicanohistory," Ramos said. "Dr. Resendez's speechserved as an inspiration to those who want theseChicano professors and programs."
Though Pacini-Hernandez said developing anethnic studies department is more realistic,Resendez said a more specialized Chicano studiesdepartment is long overdue.
Members of RAZA, who said they were eager forany concession from the administration, were lessconcerned with the distinction between Chicano andethnic studies.
"I don't think we are going to see a Chicanostudies department in the near future, but I wouldlike to see more courses in the existingdepartments," Ramos said. "I think this would be avery good start."
Students said they realize that any curriculumchange involves an arduous process.
"We'd like anything we could get--a program, acommittee, more faculty, anything," Correa said."Right now I think there are a lot of intereststhat aren't being met."
"The symposium brought out a lot of people thatshowed genuine interest, and I think theseconcerns will extend far beyond the symposium,"she said