
M. Hockey Tops UMass 3-1, Breaks Even for Weekend

But Harvard was still in the game. Seniorlinebacker Joe Weidle blocked the point-afterattempt by Brown freshman Sean Jensen, and theCrimson trailed by only seven with 12:48 left inthe third quarter. Sophomore Chuck Nwokocha's31-yard kickoff return gave Harvard a first downat its 43-yard line, and the Crimson was back inbusiness.

Linden drove Harvard to the Brown 11-yard linethanks to a 22-yard pass to senior receiver JakeHeller and a 10-yard personal foul against theBears. But a Brown sack pushed Harvard back to the16-yard line. Two plays later, Heller had a stepon his man in the end zone and Linden deliveredthe pass, but the Brown defensive back recoveredto turn away Harvard's best chance of the game atscoring a touchdown.

"I was hoping there would not be a letdownafter that play but it seemed like we lost anychance we had at building momentum," Murphy said."We had a couple of opportunities early on that wejust didn't take advantage of."

That play set up a 32-yard field goal try forGiampaolo, who was perfect in his first fiveattempts of the season. But the junior missed wideleft and the Bears took over on their own 20-yardline. Perry then directed a textbook Brownoffensive drive that put the game out of reach.

In 15 plays that chewed up a valuable 3:41 theCrimson needed to tie the game, Brown put its leadout of reach. Perry threw 10 times on the drive tohis entire array of talented receivers, findingCampbell once for 4 yards, senior tight end ZachBurns twice for 16 yards, and senior receivers AlLairson and Sean Morey twice each for 23 and 15yards, respectively. Coyne capped off the drivewith his second score of the game on a four-yardTD run.


Coyne finished with 42 yards on the day, as didsophomore running back Michael Powell. But thebulk of Brown's offense came from the arm ofPerry, who completed 30 of 43 pass attempts for281 yards and two touchdowns.

Perry's favorite target was Morey, who caughtboth touchdowns and improved his 8.86 receptionsper game average by hauling in 11 passes for 116yards. Lairson and Burns chipped in with sixcatches each for 69 and 45 yards, respectively.

"It seems like Perry is a 15-year NFL veteran,"Murphy said. "He's got an outstandingly quickrelease, he knows exactly who he wants to get itto and it's very frustrating because it's nearimpossible to sack him. They are the most talentedoffensive group that I've seen in the league inthe five years I've been here."

"I have an incredible amount of confidence inSean [Morey] because I've seen him make so manyplays by now," Perry said. "He is probably thebest security blanket in the world. If my throwsare a little bit off I will get still getcompletions. Sean is on the next level, but wehave so many receivers who make plays that, on anyother team, would be an incompletion."

Typically, Brown closed out the scoring halfwaythrough the fourth quarter with a 15-yard passfrom Perry to Morey. The senior tandem had openedup the scoring the same way, when Perry foundMorey for a 16-yard touchdown pass at the end ofthe first quarter. Harvard's only scoring came inthe second quarter, with field goals of 25 and 36yards off the foot of Giampaolo.

After its first two drives of the second half,however, Harvard never regained its offensivepoise, which had netted 174 total yards in thefirst half. Junior running back Chris Menick, whoran 13 times for 38 yards, reinjured his leftankle midway through the third quarter. Withoutits star tailback and trailing by 13 points, theCrimson could not rely on the running game.

Linden led the team in rushing with 55 yards,all of which came in the first half. He spent mostof the second half on his back; he was sacked fivetimes for a loss of 34 yards. Nwokocha had a10-yard run but netted one yard on his three othercarries. Senior running back Troy Jones made hisfirst appearance of the year after a preseasoninjury and rushed twice for one yard. Juniorfullback Damon Jones also returned from apreseason injury for limited action, but he didnot touch the ball.

In addition to leading the Crimson rushingattack, Linden had a respectable afternoon throughthe air. He completed 16 of 26 passes for 147yards and no interceptions. In three trips intothe Brown red zone, however, Linden and theoffense could not reach the end zone against theaggressive Bear defense.

"We definitely had our chances but we missedsome opportunities," Linden said. "We had goodplays called and we just didn't execute, and whenwe couldn't get in the end zone early on thatchanged the complexion of the game."

Heller and sophomore receiver Matt Mitchell,who combined for 13 catches and 119 yards in placeof injured sophomore Josh Wilske, led thereceiving corps. Junior receiver Terence Pattersonhauled in three catches for 37 yards, but none ofHarvard's receivers made it into the end zone,which is unacceptable when trying to compete withBrown's high-scoring offense.

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