"No one knows for sure," Collins said. "We're hoping that with our performance on Saturday, we showed that we were the best of the teams that put in."
Before the action even started on Saturday, the Crimson players and fans were treated to a special ceremony honoring senior players Collins, Fairbairn and Tara LaSovage for their years of work on the Crimson squad. First Half Har--Schoolwerth (Kalil, LaSovage) 27:47. Har--Kalil (Collins) 27:47. Second Half Har--Nagle (Collins) 24:59. Har--Crusius 17:34. Har--Schoolwerth 11:09. Har--Fairbaim (Luskin) 4:43. Saves: Bro--Owens (35:00) 2, 2 GA, Friedman (35:00) 5, 4 GA;