
Seniors Select Reps. For Class Committee

Pacheco, the Adams House Committee chair, saidhe agreed that they should change over to acomputerized system.

"The current system of proportional voting issilly because it doesn't count votes as anendorsement of people, but rather becomes a namerecognition contest," Pacheco said.

The competition within Houses varieddrastically.

While 65 students ran for House representativesoverall, there were only two candidates inWinthrop House. Currier House, on the other hand,had 12 candidates.

Jellis said her "unscientific guestimate" as tosuccess in the representative election pointed toinvolvement in extracurricular and Houseactivities as a predictor of victory.


Chang, the representative from Pforzheimer,said she believes her selling point was herexperience as the House Committee president forthe last year.

For some, however, the position is a bit moreout of the ordinary.

Schwartz, a former varsity swimmer who wasoriginally in the class of 1997 in Mather House,was elected as Currier House Representative forthe class of 1999.

Although Schwartz is just joining the class, hesaid he is "very honored to be able to representthe last class of the millennium."

Hootnick echoed his sentiments.

"I'm really excited to get involved with theclass and help plan graduation," she said.

The Senior Class Committee is made up of the 8Class Marshals, 13 House Representatives, SeniorGift Co-Chairs, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

Resumes and cover letters may be submitteduntil Nov. 9 for appointment to the last twopositions
