"Is there a sense of decency, of moral courage[in the West] to realize the wrongs done to thepeople of East Timor?" he asked.
Ramos-Horta also praised the United Nations as"the only institution that can address some of thepressing issues of the day."
He concluded his speech by thanking "those whohave stood by us over the years." He alsocriticized those who "year after year tell us tobe realistic--that is, accept the rule of force."
Speaking after Ramos-Horta, State Rep. AntonioCabral (D-New Bedford), author of House bill 4575,which would restrict investment in Indonesia,urged students to write to their staterepresentative to express concern over thesituation in East Timor and to support the bill.
Students at the event said they supportedRamos-Horta and his struggle.
"I'm familiar with his work and I also try andkeep up to date with the oppressed people of theworld," said Nathan W. Hill '02.
"I found that he had a lot more presence and hewas much more dynamic than [U.N. SecretaryGeneral] Kofi Anan [who had been praised byRamos-Horta in his speech]," he said.
James A. Colbert '02 said he "was unaware ofthe situation in East Timor [and] this speechhelped me get a sense of what was happeningthere.