As well as making the announcements aboutfunding, the seminar leaders sought to assist thestudent leaders in running their organizationssmoothly.
"These seminars are offered to you as a serviceto continue or increase the strength of themanagement and direction of your organization,"Cooke said.
Epps introduced the seminars with a quickassessment of the benefits of successful financialplanning and the importance of alcoholresponsibility.
After listing what he considered to be theelements of leadership, he reiterated, "Please donot forget, this office was built for you."
Greg Murray, a member of the internal auditstaff for the College, spoke on the importance ofdocumenting expenditures and using checks insteadof cash.
The next speaker, Stephen E. Weinberg '99,former council Finance Committee Chair, outlinedpossible funding sources for student groups.
Weinberg said many of the purchases for whichstudents request funding are already provided forfree or at a low cost by Harvard.
He advised students to look into thesepossibilities before including such purchases intheir grant applications.
The alcohol seminar focused on the social hostresponsibilities of student organizations.
Speakers included representatives from theCambridge Licensing Commission, the HarvardUniversity Police Department, University HealthServices and the Beverage Authorization Team.
According to Cooke, last night was the firsttime the College has held such a presentation forstudent leaders.
Cooke said the College plans to hold futuretraining seminars in fundraising, conflictresolution mediation and the online calendar