"I'm cash-free independent? That has less than zero credibility," he says, explaining his thought process. "I have to go with a major party, so I say, 'Let's see: a cash-free Democrat? Forget it. I'll be "Well, that leaves only one choice," hecontinues. "I'll be a cash-free Republican. So Iphoned up the head of the Republican Party, and hesays, 'Go for it. Just get the signatures."' Idealism in Action Despite the seemingly easy route to a place onthe ballot, candidates say the chief impetus forrunning came from their desire to change thesystem, not a hunger for power. "My chances of winning depend on what you callwinning," Cook says. A Libertarian and freelance computerconsultant, Cook is running on a platform ofeliminating the income tax, legalizing medicalmarijuana and repealing recently passed guncontrol laws. "My chances of affecting the system and gettingthese things debated about are great," he says. "Actually taking the corner office this timeround, well..." he trails off. "Running is the only thing that matters," heconcludes. Cook's fellow dark horse candidates agree. "Our chances of winning are very, very slim,"Schinella says. The independent's platform is economics-based,stressing budget and tax restructuring. "The only way to get people to listen to you isin a campaign," he says. "I got to talk to morepeople [at forums] than I'll ever get to talk toin the next few years... In the next campaign,you'll see that some of the ideas that werebrought up, the more innovative ideas, will bebrought up again." Hyde's motivation differs slightly. His platform of `timesizing,' or cutting backwork-week hours while keeping pay the same (inorder to cut the unemployment rate) is the focusof his recently published book, Timesizing, NotDownsizing. Although he says the main reason he threw hishat into the race was to spread the word abouttimesizing, Hyde readily admits that "peoplesometimes accuse me of running just to sell thebook." "I think it's a compliment, not an insult," hesays. "I would like to have a congressman who hadenough ideas to publish a book, rather than justkeeping a seat warm for two years." Democratic Demographics Read more in News
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