
Faculty, Alums Offer New Ideas on Radcliffe

Undergrads outnumbered at convocation

A Full Day

Among the day's event was a morning lecture byMcKinsey & Company partner Pamela Thomas-Graham'85.

Thomas-Graham, who is also the author of themystery novel A Darker Shade of Crimson,spoke about how she has fulfilled her life'sgoals.

"Aspirations" was the day's official theme.

"Women, I think, are often told what hills theyshould climb," she said. "Ignore all those thingsand decide for yourself which hill you want toclimb."


Thomas-Graham also noted the importance of astrong network of women in helping her achieve hergoals.

"Radcliffe has always been a place where peoplecan come together and form these networks," shesaid.

In an afternoon closing address, Totenbergspoke about the importance of a women's supportnetwork, both in her work as a reporter and as shewas dealing with the extended illness of herhusband, Her speech drew tears from the audience.

"One of the great things the woman's movementhas done for me and done for us has been to giveus a community of women at work," said Totenberg,who has spent the past 23 years as a legal affairscorrespondent for NPR.

"I almost always have a hell of a good time [inmy job], and I can't think of a better aspirationthan that." Totenberg said.

Wilson awarded Totenberg, who never graduatedfrom college, with a Presidential Commendation, anhonor Wilson said was "not given often and notgiven lightly."

Wilson praised Totenberg for her persistentcommitment to investigative and ethicaljournalism.

The day's events also featured morning paneldiscussions that introduced alums to some ofRadcliffe's current programs, including theSchlesinger Library, the Radcliffe Public PolicyInstitute and Bunting Institute. In an additionalpanel, female undergraduates discussed creating awomen's movement at Harvard-Radcliffe. (Please seestory, this page.)

Celebrants ate a lunch of Tuscan wraps beneatha tent decorated with festive Radcliffe balloonsand banners while listening to performances by theRadcliffe Choral Society, the Kuumba Sisters, the'Cliffe Notes and the Radcliffe Pitches.

"This is a time of celebration," Wilson said."I'm as high as a kite."CrimsonD. Andrew RicePRESIDENTIAL: LINDA S. WILSON,president of Radcliffe, hosted "CelebrateRadcliffe '98" this weekend.
