
Students Make Love Connections

Houses use game show events to liven up dating scene

Hornblower says the feeling was mutual. "She'svery good looking and a very nice girl," he says."We had a good time." Still, he says he doesn'tknow whether the pair will see each other again.

But the most typical Harvard date has to beChecchi's and Walsh's. Although the couplereceived free movie passes and a gift certificateto Grendel's, they haven't yet been able to find atime when both are free.

"We keep having to reschedule," Walsh says.

Sounds like another Saturday night at Harvard.



Think: "Dating Game"

Players: 16

Prize: Gift certificates for Gren del's, moviepasses

They say: "All the guys were really cool. Iprobably couldn't have gone wrong." Sinead B.Walsh '00


Think: "Love Connection"

Players: 12

Prize: $40 to spend anywhere

They say: "He's going to make some female agreat date and a great husband--just not me."Kamil E. Redmond '00

