
Early Morning Shuttle Service Replaces Cabs

College stops issuing vouchers for Quad athletes

As a result of new shuttle runs from the Quad to Johnston Gate and the Stadium, the College will no longer pay for cab vouchers for athletes on a regular basis.

Since September, an early morning shuttle has run from the Quad to the Stadium every 15 to 20 minutes, Monday through Friday, beginning at 5:30 a.m.

Executive Assistant to the Dean of the College Philip A. Bean announced the change in policy yesterday in a memo to the athletic coaches.

"Now that we have introduced, at some expense, a morning shuttle service between the Quad and the River, and have improved afternoon and early evening service, use of the taxi vouchers is for the most part no longer justified," Bean said in the memo.

In the past, student athletes could use the College-sponsored taxi program when headed to the Stadium during a time when shuttle service was not available.


But Bean said in the memo that such services will now be limited.

"Checker Cab vouchers will be available for use by athletes only in extraordinary circumstances that require them, in the judgement of their coaches, to travel between the Quad and the River at times not covered by University shuttles."

The altered shuttle service affects those not headed for the Stadium as well.

Shuttle lines from the Stadium that previously ended at Johnston gate between 4:08 and 6:45 p.m.--and required students to disembark and wait--will now continue on to the Quad.

And afternoon shuttles that terminated at the Science Center will stop at the Stadium and only then continue on to the garage.

"The purpose of this is to give everyone at the Quad ample opportunity to avail themselves of the athletic facilities at the river," Bean said.

"This is a reform that will serve everyone."

James H. Ware, the Master of Cabot House said in an e-mail message, "Quality of transportation for the entire House community and for varsity athletes in particular is an important issue for Cabot House."

"I was very pleased with the efforts made byDean Lewis and Phil Bean last spring to improvetransportation services for the Quad," Ware said.

Carl A. Tempesta, operations manager forPassenger Transportation Services (PTS), whichruns the shuttle service, said PTS works withstudents to try to meet their needs.

"What we try to do is communicate with theUndergraduate Council two times a year to betterthe service. A big concern was transportation forathletes each morning and getting back to dinner,"he said.
