During the mission, Kohl met Glenn's father and gained an appreciation for NASA's work, he said.
Preparation for the launch have provided the two a chance for a meeting. Preparation for the launch have provided thetwo a chance for a meeting. "He was very interested to find out mybackground. Once he established that I was born inhis hometown, we were able to spend hourstalking," Kohl said. Glenn's active presence in the launchpreparations belies some of the criticism that hispresence on the mission has received. Critics have alleged that the research on agingis a shield for a NASA publicity effort thatrewards Glenn for his political support ofPresident Clinton. But Kohl says Glenn's presence makes sense. "He wants to be treated just like one of theastronauts," Kohl said. "He is taking his missionseriously and clearly feels that it is asignificant piece of work.