
Fallows and Friends Launch Rowing Web Site

"We wanted to provide a service for people, not make them feel like we were always trying to sell them something," said Kibera. "And it's also about a community--it can be lonely if you're the only one into crew in your state."

Kibera said the biggest obstacle right now is advertising. To make people aware of the site, they have to be creative.

At last weekend's Head of the Charles regatta, for example, Fallows donned a full-size rabbit suit and passed out bumper stickers and T-shirts. "I looked stupid," said Fallows, "but people will remember it."

The other obstacle is the site's astronomical growth. "It's gotten to the point where it takes three to four hours a day just to keep the site going," said Fallows. "We've got more business than we can handle."

They're currently looking into hiring an assistant, preferably someone from the rowing team. "It will have to be someone who has a love for rowing and is able to put in three hours a day to keeping the site going, so we can put all our efforts into expansion," said Kibera.


Establishing a legacy will be especially important next year, when Fallows graduates and joins Kibera and Sims in San Francisco.

"In five years, this site is going to be its own entity," said Fallows. "I'd like to see it support itself fully, so we can use it to help other people--maybe give internships to people at the College, hire more assistants--make this the voice of the rowing community.
