
R.I. Man Pleads Guilty to Hacking Harvard System

Karp refused to comment on the incident.

Attempting to explain his client's motives, defense attorney Edward F. St. Onge said Trifero viewed hacking as a challenge. "It's like a chess game," he said.

"It started as a game," St. Onge said. "It got out of hand. He never intended to cause any harm."

Trifero faces sentencing on January 8th, and could incur a penalty of up to as much as five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each count.

According to St. Onge, Trifero has offered assistance to Harvard as a part of his punishment. He said he will explain his methods and help Harvard learn how to prevent further attacks from hackers.


"Maybe some good will be done in the long run," St. Onge said.

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