Sanchez, recalled his own dilemma when attending the Career Forum.
"I was wondering if I was going to lose the battle and end up at one of those consulting or banking firms," Sanchez said.
He called his experience at the Career Forum, where there were only four or five non-profit organizations relegated to a corner of the room, "depressing."
PBHA President Elisabeth A. Tomlinson '99, who attended the panel, also commented on the lack of representation by non-profits at the annual Career Forum.
"I'm dismayed to see at the Career Forum on Friday, [investment bank] Goldman Sachs has as many tables as all the non-profit organizations," Tomlinson said.
Reaction to the forum was positive.
"I thought it was inspiring and informative," said Katherine L. Hable '01.
Hable said that having one out of the four panels during Career Week focus on careers in the public sector was "significant.