After yet another Spanish A class where you get fed up with being the only person who isn't actually a native speaker, it may be time to head over to the Freshmen Dean's or Senior Tutor's Office and, to use a Springerism, kick that course to the curb. That's right, it's the fifth Monday of the term, which means it's your last chance to add/drop a course or change your grading status. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Freshman Dean's Office, Senior Tutor's Office or 20 Garden Street, Room 110. $15.
Can't row? Learn Backgammon instead and impress your friends and neighbors with a more unconventional talent. The New England Backgammon Club holds weekly meetings and tournaments for all skill levels at the Sheraton Commander Hotel. 16 Garden St., 508-829-3283.
No one wants to work in that lazy, procrastination period right after dinner. So let your food settle and take part in a talk presented by the Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel Forum Committee. Dr. Jerome Groopman of Harvard Medical School and author of "The Measure of Our Days" will speak on the Intersection of Spirituality and Medicine. Listen to the lecture and let the good times roll. 7:30 p.m., Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel, 52 Mt. Auburn St. FREE for students, $5 for community members.
Before the Barenaked Ladies hit the big time, Boston's favorite sons, the Mighty, Mighty Bosstones, were overplayed on KISS 107.9 and introduced the mainstream radio audience to ska. Rub elbows with these musical pioneers at Tower Records, as they accept a star on the landing (formerly known as the Walk of Fame). Probability of scoring an autograph? Pretty high, knock on wood. Tower Records, 360 Newbury St., 247-5900. FREE.
Can't get enough of Jon Krakuer's Into Thin Air? Check out Everest at the Omni Theatre in the Museum of Science. Tuesday and Wednesday are "Bargain Nights," when the powers-that-be knock $2.50 off the price of admission. While you're there, take in the brand-new IMAX flick, Amazon, or just walk up and down the musical staircase and pretend youre an extra in Big. Amazon at 7 p.m., Everest at 8 p.m., Museum of Science, 1 Science Park. 723-2500. $5.
If you have any idea what antimescegenation is, more power to you. But for those of you who want some light shed on the subject, come to hear HLS Law Professor Randall Kennedy speak on "Problems ofthe Enforcement of Antimescegenation Laws" as part of the W.E.B. Dubois Institute Colloquia Series. 12 to 2 p.m., 12 Quincy Street, The Barker Center, the Thompson Room. FREE.
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