
Newsgroup Postings Report Skunk Sightings

New furry friends sign of growing animal presence

However, if a skunk becomes too unruly, Alpert said, the perpetrator is trapped and destroyed, usually by drowning.

Despite all the attention skunks have received in recent weeks, skunk sightings arenothing new, Alpert said.

Two skunks were caught last year on theLongwood Campus, and a dead skunk was found in anAdams House window well.

It was speculated that the Adams House skunkfell into the well and could not climb its wayout.

The number of reported skunk sightings has notincreased dramatically, Alpert said, noting thatwhile there have been problems at Harvard due toskunks, the situation is not severe enough towarrant any special concern or mass amounts of airfreshener.

In recent years, turkeys, hawks, barn owls, andopossums have all been sighted across campus,Alpert said.


Washington says she is glad that the skunkshave not returned the past two nights.

Of course, not all people mind the company ofthese smelly nocturnal neighbors.

Edwin H. Yoo '98 wrote about her sighting in ane-mail message.

"I saw a juvenile skunk last summer nearCentral Square," Yoo wrote. "Around 1:00 a.m.he/she crawled under the porch and popped up infront of the steps and looked up at me for awhileand moved on. The little guy was pretty cute andharmless.

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