While none of the interns who spoke to The Crimson said ever received any gifts from the President or knew of any interns who had, some acknowledged that such actions are not highly unlikely.
"He [President Clinton] values the work that people do for him and I wouldn't be surprised if he would give gifts to people who work for him in order to show he appreciates their service," Loss said. "I actually saw the President at departures andstate visits, there were definitely a lot ofevents where we could see him," Luterman said. "Inever just saw him walking around the complex." Loss, an intern in the office of the Chief ofStaff, only saw the President on three occasionslast summer: twice during intern photo shoots andonce while walking through a hall in the WestWing. On the other hand, according to the anonymoussource, "there are a lot of interns who come [tothe White House] because of their parents had someties to the President." As a result of suchconnections, some interns had better access to thePresident than others. "I think if you are the daughter of a donor,you're in a whole separate group," Luterman said. None of the former interns who spoke to TheCrimson had heard any rumors of a sexualrelationship between Clinton and Lewinsky while atthe White House. Despite the recent scandal, Loss still stronglyrecommends interning at the White House Intern. "I'd highly recommend the experience," he said."It's a great educational opportunity and a greatchance to watch the government up close." --Gregory S. Krauss contributed to thereporting of this story.