
Student's Car Found Bullet-Ridden

The student then field a stolen vehicle report with Boston Police, McNamara said.

Montanez was charged with assault with intent to murder and receiving stolen property.

According to Nagle, Montanez was arraigned yesterday in Middlesex County District Court. But the court had no record of his arraignment last night.

Nagle said Montanez is not yet charged in any of the three car thefts from Friday morning.

The student says she has no plans as of yet to take any legal action against Montanez.


The injured officer was treated and released from a Boston hospital. Nagle refused to release the name of the officer.

"He looked really tough at the scene...I'm shocked he got out of the hospital [so quickly]," Nagle said.

Although incidents of car theft are not too common on the Harvard campus itself and in fact "have decreased significantly," according to McNamara, leaving a vehicle outsides the confines of Harvard can have its risks.

"When you park your car on a city street, you're not afforded the safety and securiof the University Police," McNamara said. "You leave yourself open to victimization if you want to leave your car unattended."

The student said that in a few weeks, she will no longer have to park her car outside Harvard. She said her application for a parking lot near the Business School should be processed by the middle of October
