
More Minorities Elected to New Student Council

Turnout rises; women hold third of 90 seats

Egan said she is particularly interested in issues that will affect first-year constituents, such as the fall move-in policy.

"[At the meeting] there were a lot of things that were mentioned as goals for the year, but it seems like once we break into small groups things will start to happen pretty quickly," Egan said.

"I'd like to try to make freshman year a little better by getting a frozenyogurt machine in Annenberg," she said.

The New Council

ADAMS (Turnout 18%)1. Carmelo Larose '002. Eric M. Nelson '993. C. Thomas Brown '994. Kathryn Markham '995. Andrew J. Green '98


MATHER (35.4%)1. Jobe G. Danganan '992. Mark D. Palmenter '003. David J. Malan '994. Anna M. Baldwin '005. John Paul Rollert '006. Bryan E. McKrell '98

QUINCY (13.2%)1. Sarah K. Hurwitz '992. Keanne C. Henry '993. James T. Grimmelmann '994. Benjamin A. Rahn '995. Chloe Jean Lopez '966. Alexandra Budabin '00

DUNSTER (19.2%)1. Kathleen M. Douglas '992. Emma C. Cheuse '983. Asti Pilika '984. Lauren A. Hammer '985. Susannah R. Mandel '98

KIRKLAND (27.5%)1. Justin D. Lerer '992. Noah Z. Seton '003. Nicola A. McKinney '994. Anne M. Thompson '995. William Jay '98

ELIOT (33.5%)1. Peter S. Manasantivongs '982. Cody C. Tibbetts '993. Benjamin W. Hulse '994. Trevor S. Blake '005. Olivia Verma '006. Robert S. Schwartz '00

LEVERETT (11.1%)1. Lillian Epstein '002. Lindsay Pindyck3. Curtis J. Mahoney4. Matthew S. Caywood5. William F. Abely6. Eli Poliakoff '00

CABOT (8.4%)1. Matthew J. Aliberti2. Andrew F. Ruggiero '983. Helen L. Steele '994. Errol L. Fields '985. Michael F. Rizzo '99

LOWELL (5.5%)1. Samuel C. Cohen '002. Noah R. Freeman '983. Steven J. Mitby '994. Ryan Dorris '005. Angela Wiggins '006. La Tasha Edwards '99

CURRIER (33%)1. Lanhee J. Chen '992. June Yoshinari '983. Shirley Lisa Sadioglu '994. Adam S. Vaina '975. Christa M. Franklin '98

PFORZHEIMER (24.3%)1. Heather Chang '992. Chuck A. Truesdell '993. Brian J. Chan '984. Kamil E. Redmond '995. Jeffrey Kurashige '00
