
First-Year Finds Man In Hollis North Shower

But many students said that although the incident was unsettling, they did not feel that it directly related to their lives.

"I thought it was pretty disturbing," said Kate L. Hable '01. "But because we have private showers in Wigglesworth, it doesn't really affect me."

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III said that this incident will lead to a review of Yard security.

"I don't know how this man got in," he said, "I hope that the police will review the security at Hollis and that students will be especially careful to close doors behind them."

The HUPD said it will continue to look for the intruder. "The police department wants to find out who he is and if there is anything more to be concerned about," Cooper said.


Cooper warns students to be aware of "piggybackers," non-residents who enter dorms behind students. Prior to the incident, HUPD officers were scheduled to go to all first-year dorms and educate students about safety measures throughout the year
