
U.C. Elections Begin After Recruiting Effort

"We eventually did get some people to run [from Dunster], but we had to talk to them individually-postering and tabling didn't work," Weinberg said.

Hulse also said that personal attention to potential candidates paid off.

"I've been pushing everyone who's ever shown any interest in the U.C.," Hulse said.

Recent efforts from the council, women's advocates and campus organizations such as the Asian American Association to recruit candidates appear to have been successful, Hulse said.

"What looked like it might have been a real disaster now looks O.K.," Hulse said.


Many students said they do not feel any need to follow the activities of the council.

"The U.C. does some good things, but it's just a token," Stevenson said. "It's not given as much power of the purse as other college undergraduate councils."

Although the council distributes annual grants to student organizations, it does not have authority over student groups or over disciplinary matters, as at other colleges
