
Sophia Freund Prize Recognizes Those Better Than the Best

Economist Speaks Japanese; Computer Scientist Plays Violin; Gell, Brown Tie for Highest Grade Point Average in Class of '97

"Even four years isn't enough to take advantage of all the opportunities Harvard has to offer," he said.

In addition to his academic success, Brown was an "excellent violinist," according to David Marcus, president of the Harvard Redcliffe Orchestra (HRO). Brown has also served as an assistant concenrtmaster for HRO.

Ward Ghoury, upper school dean of Buckingham, Browne and Nichols--Brown's alma mater--said the 1993 graduate-"wonder" played first chair in the school orchestra, and has performed with Yo-Yo Ma '76.

Brown always "worked hard but was not considered intense," Ghoury said. "He is a selfless person."

Joshua Greene '97 Brown's four-year college roommate, called his friend "very organized and focused."


"Aaron has always been very enthusiastic about computer science," he said.

A scientist herself, Virginia Brown said her son always wanted to work with computers, and there were "astonishing opportunities for Aaron at Harvard."

Brown said he is considering a career of academic research and teaching. Suzanne Gauron contributed to the reporting of this article.

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