
TFs Shoulder Harvard's Teaching Burden

"The first concern to surface was related to international TFs--that there were language communication problems in some sections," says Buell who was dean of undergraduate education at the time the mandate was adopted.

The quickly surfaced that the degree of intensity and system in the preparation of all new TFs varied a great deal from area to area," he says.

According to Dean of Undergraduate Education David Pilbeam, variance in the quality of TF teaching are attributable to more than differences in departmental preparation procedures.

"There is likely to be more variance with TFs than with Faculty," he says, explaining that Faculty has an established teaching track record which is a factor in its hiring.

TF Training


The mandate for standardized TF training prompted the expansion of programs at the Bok Center for Teaching and Learning.

According to the Center Director James Wilkinson, "Harvard is a leader in working this intensively with graduate students [to improve their teaching]."

Davis says he believes the Bok Center is an important resource in helping TFs provide the best possible instruction.

"Having [TFs] or not having them is not up for discussion here. It's how we make them as effective as possible," he says.

In Chemistry 5: "Introduction to Principles of Chemistry," which Davis teaches, students fill out a mid-semester evaluation, such as the CUE evaluation, in which they comment on TF performance. He says the evaluations are used to identify and address trouble areas.

"Several years ago, we had a problem--quite a few teaching fellows were doing poorly at the mid-semester evaluation. [But] at the end of the year, we got unusually high CUE ratings," Davis says, noting that some of the TFs who had problems at mid-semester ended up winning teaching awards from the Bok Center.

Like Davis, Computer Science 50: "Introduction to Computer Science I" instructor Margo I. Seltzer, assistant professor of computer science, employs a large team of TFs and says she relies on extensive training and frequent communication to manage the group.

But Seltzer approaches the issue of TF instruction differently.

"TFs do not do any teaching," she says. "They do not present any new material. They review, they provide tips for solving problems--they're like tutors and counselors but they are not doing the teaching," she says.

However, Seltzer says TFs are still of tremendous value.
