I'm talking about sections. Quite simply, people in sections need to heed Rome's advice and "Have a take and don't suck."
I am sick and tired of hearing these idiotic Gov concentrators blabbering about crap that is unimportant, repetitive and boring only for the sake of hearing themselves speak. If only sections were more like the Jungle...
"Can I get a that's whack for Bob from Tampa in my Science B-15 section?"
"Give it to 'em."
"OK, freak-show. You'd like to think that we care about what you are talking about, but you're wrong. I mean, do you actually think questions like, 'Do you think E.O. Wilson doesn't like teaching about aging because, you know, he's not exactly a spring chicken? Do you think he feels bad?' are relevant to anything? What are you thinking? Why don't you shut you friggin' mouth and take some notes, dammit. Good night now."
"Hey Rome, what's up with this kid in my economics 1010b section? The TF asks us the typical introductory question about your name and your concentration and where you live, and this kid goes off. He starts talking about how he is in the class because he is fascinated by development in Third-World countries and how policy affects that development. I was surprised that he didn't start talking about how supply-side economics had affected his life. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he likes that stuff, and he can learn as much about it as he pleases, on his own time. Hey, its an Ec section, there are no brownie points to be won. Out."
This is what Harvard needs. People that have good questions and astute comments can quickly earn there reputation as Clones and can jump to the front of the speaking line during section. People that don't have takes can be run out of the section due to embarrassment after receiving so much smack. Then there are those of us that just sit and listen who simply receive entertainment for our trouble.