
CHEATING at Harvard

Michael J. Prokopow, Allston Burr senior tutor of Adams House, says that dealing with academic dishonesty is difficult for everyone involved.

In his four years as Senior Tutor of Adams, Prokopow--who represents Adams residents before the Ad Board--says that he has dealt with four or five cases of plagiarism.

"They were across the spectrum, from students who knowingly and willingly plagiarized to students who did not exercise enough care in differentiating their ideas from those of others," he says.

Prokopow says that in every case, he approved of the way the Ad Board handled issues of academic dishonesty.

"I think they do a fine job," he says. "I was impressed by their sensitivity and their confidentiality."


"Students say it seems harsh, because some students are really just confused," he says. "But all of us as scholars have to be very scrupulous. I always tell my students to err on the side of hypercaution."
