
Suspected Book Thief Arraigned On New Counts

Although some of those individuals are from the local area, at least one is from California, according to Mederos.

"There were negotiations and things that had to be worked out to gather the return of Harvard property," he said.

Torres' bail was increased from $5,000 to $10,000 at yesterday's arraignment, according to an employee of the Middlesex County Clerk's Office of Criminal Business, who did not give her name.

Torres originally became implicated in the library thefts when Andras J. Riedlmayer, bibliographer in Islamic art and architecture in the Fine Arts Library, contacted a book dealer in Granada, Spain.

Riedlmayer was interested in purchasing items from the dealer to replace those stolen from Harvard's collection.

The book dealer's catalogue contained two particularly rare volumes which seemed identical to those stolen from Harvard's libraries.


The dealer had already sold one of the books by the time Riedlmayer contacted him, but he confirmed that the other book contained the Harvard stamp.

Riedlmayer then called HUPD. Mederos said he contacted the Granada book dealer, who said that the dealer bought the stolen volumes from a self-described "private collector" in Cambridge by the name of Jose Torres-Carbonnel, according to the March/April issue of Harvard Magazine.

Most of the books allegedly stolen by Torres focused on Islamic and Middle Eastern architecture.

Torres allegedly cut pages out of some of the books, several of which were one-of-a-kind, before selling them to art-and-antique dealers in Granada.

Torres was arrested on June 25 after authorities learned that he was planning to flee the country, The Crimson reported in February.

After his arrest, Torres admitted to stealing the 41 items that he had listed for sale in a catalogue.

Torres was married to a Harvard graduate student who filed for divorce in June, a month after Torres was apprehended, according to the Harvard Magazine article.

Torres' next court appearance will be his May 21 pre-trial conference
