
Where to Next Year? Frosh Find Out

"We had look-outs watching the housing people move from Hurlbut to us...we were all dangling in the staircase, it was really fun bonding," said Rebecca P. Brown '00, who will reside in Adams house next year.

At lunchtime, first-years were met at Annenberg by screaming upper-class students distributing candy and T-shirts to welcome first-years to their house.

Representatives from the Quad houses said they were particularly spirited while greeting the first-years because they thought their enthusiasm was needed to console many first-years.

"Last year, I was so upset to be put in Pforzheimer," said Jessica T. Tardy '99. "I want to let [first-years] know how much I love it now."

This enthusiasm was not enough to raise the spirits of some students, however, who expressed concern over the apparent lack of enthusiasm displayed by some of the houses.


House spirit, according to Kirkland prefect Layla D. Adolphson, '97, is one sacrifice of the randomization process.

"Before, everyone who is was in Kirkland specifically wanted to be there," Adolphson said

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