
PBHA Holds Festive Spring Open House

More Than 80 Community Service Programs Attempt to Recruit Prospective Students

PBHA Vice President Michael W. Ma '98 said he is enthusiastic about the new semester.

Although the spring open house isn't as well-attended as the fall event, Ma said, it is important because some programs aren't year-round.

"Mission Hill, for example, starts up new each semester," he said.

Summer programs are the best-kept secret of PBHA," said Treasurer Judy Hung '99. "We have ten full-time, 9-4 day camps for kids ages 6 to 14. There's a refugee youth summer enrichment program, language programs--and everyone who works gets a $2,700 stipend."

The officers waxed enthusiastic about their organization.


"PBHA is considered the best class at Harvard," said Ma.

"Where else at Harvard are you going to find people who are this passionate about what they do? Which is not to say that everyone who does PBHA has to be so gungho. It's a chance to do something that's more real than classes, stress, all that," said Amanda Spector '98.

"As I see it, this is partly why I came to Harvard," Hung said.
