
One Transfer Travels Across the Globe and Back to Mass.

He is also interested in the issue of diversity here and notes that Harvard appears much more racially integrated than Michigan.

But what about the parties? Mok says he considered trying to join one of the finals clubs here. But he changed his mind, having heard "negative opinions and comments" about that branch of the Harvard social scene.

Instead, Mok says parties in Houses remind him of fraternity parties at Michigan. Mok attended a party at Currier House which he described as "pretty fun. It was just like a frat party except smaller," he says.

Overall, Mok says he is happy with Harvard's often-critized social scene. "I'll say it's different," he says. "But from what I've seen so far, the social life is okay."

Mok, who has already nailed down his schedule for this semester, is optimistic about his courses. "I know the classes are going to be good and well taught," he says.


After a week at the College, Mok is excited about his future here. "I know Harvard's a great school," he says.
