"The University contends that teaching assistants who are enrolled in Yale's Graduate School are properly treated as students and not as employees," stated a news release issued by Yale's Office of Public Affairs.
Thomas Appelquist, dean of the graduate school, said in the news release that mandating that universities give graduate students employee status would take away from their education.
However, Lafer said that now the General Counsel of the National Labor Law believes that TAs are employees.
"[This] is very encouraging," said Lafer. "But it's not the final word."
If the case against Yale is won, Lafer said the administration may have to give back pay for those fired or demoted, issue letters of apology and remove permanently filed disciplinary letters.
The TAs hope that by being allowed to unionize they can receive the benefits they deserve.
"Ultimately what we want is a binding contract, [emphasizing] the ability to negotiate the conditions of our work collectively with the administration," Brown said