
Men's Track Shines While Women Flounder in Heptagonals

School Records Fall Left and Right as Carswell and Longeran Dominate Field and Qualify for NCAA Tournament

"Ian is the odds-on favorite," said Haggerty. "Killian will finish in the top three, if not first."

In the women's meet, the Harvard team did not fare as well. They finished in seventh place in the league.

Lacking the one-two punch of the men's team, the women faced a difficult struggle to place well.

"To do well, we knew that we were going to have to eke out points," said Haggerty.

The women were led by sophomore Margaret E. Schotte who finished 3rd in the 3000 and by junior Margaret B. Angell who finished fifth in the mile.


Schotte and Angell also ran on the sixth place two-mile relay, along with junior Heather L. Stroud and freshman Bethany K. Helms.

Captain, Jen C. Braga singled out the performance of fellow senior Ailey Y. Pennigroth in the pentathalon.

The senior destroyed the school record in that event on the strength of her long jump. She is also the first Harvard woman to break the elusive 3500 point barrier.

Co-captain Jane C. Manners cited the lack of depth as a reason for the team's poor showing.

"The girls on our team put in quality performances," she said. "But due to injury and other factors, we just don't have the quantity."

The women's team is sending a small contingent, led by Peningroth, to the Eastern States Championships this weekend.
