
Junior Goes Home To Wife, Baby and Rock Band

Student Profile

Duck debuted last month at Mama Kin, a major Lansdowne Street club. But the timing of the show was less than auspicious, since it conflicted with the Superbowl.

Three's Company

Over the most recent winter break, Jonno's life changed again, with the birth of his daughter, Emma.

"She's wonderful. She's perfect....Every parent thinks their child is the most beautiful and wonderful child that ever was, but we know for real," Jonno says.

Jonno says his family gives him support and perspective far beyond ordinary student life.


The Deily-Swearingen family lives in Malden, about 45 minutes from campus by bicycle, Jonno's fair-weather mode of transportation.

"Commuting is less than ideal; having a baby at home is not conducive to studying, but it's not as bad as it would seem, and the rewards far outweight the difficulties," he says.
