
Galleria Tightens Security After Rape

* Mall managers take measures after attack on 19-year-old

"The mall is actually very responsive," said the manager of a mall clothing store who asked not to be identified.

The clothing-store manager said that mall management recently had a meeting to tell store managers about new security measures.

The managers of the mall "are really good about engaging Cambridge police," the clothing-store manager said.

Other measures that will be taken to enhance security at the mall include installing additional intercoms in the parking garage and enhancing all existing security and customer assistance signage.

All of these measures were scheduled to be completed by Dec. 1, according to the news release.


The general manager of the mall did not return repeated phone calls this week by The Crimson to discuss the status of the completion of these measures.

In addition to the rape, the CambridgeSide Galleria has recently been the scene of a number of other crimes, according to the Cambridge Police Department blotter.

A slew of people have been arrested for shoplifting. Furthermore, a juvenile was arrested Nov. 24 for an assault at the mall involving a kitchen knife.

The juvenile was also charged with being a minor in possession of alcohol and possession of a class D substance.

On Nov. 30, a resident of Bigelow Street reported that two men sitting near him in the food court of the mall took two of his bags, which he had left unattended for a short period of time.

Harvard students said they do not think the mall has a security problem.

"I can't say that I have ever noticed a real security problem," said Keith E. Bernard '99. "It has been like any mall I have ever gone to."

"I haven't really noticed any [security] changes there recently," said Richard A. Phillips '99.

Both Phillips and Bernard said that they make monthly trips to the mall.
