
Pledging To Drink?

* Initiation rites involving alcohol not limited to MIT

The student says all team members participated in the initiation voluntarily, and that it could not be considered hazing as a result.

"No one refused to do all of it, [although] not everyone did the drinking," he says. "It was a friendly atmosphere. There was a big feeling of bonding."

Hazing is illegal under Massachusetts state law, which defines the practice as "any conduct or initiation into a student organization...which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person." The law specifically includes the forced consumption of alcohol among potential means of endangerment.

Athletic Trials

One female varsity athlete says initiations get a bad rap that they do not deserve.


"Initiation is supposed to be a fun thing," the student says, on condition of anonymity. "No one's ever forced to do anything."

Her team's initiation includes a treasure hunt in which members drink at each stop and a version of Russian Roulette played with glasses of vodka and water.

Another female varsity athlete who spoke on condition of anonymity says that although sports teams are not supposed to have initiations, it happens anyway on her team-with the knowledge of the coach.

Although alcohol is a central element of the initiation, she adds, team members who do not want to drink do not have to and the choice to abstain is respected.

Other teams also permit students to choose not to drink at their initiations.

"One or two guys didn't want to drink, so they didn't have to," says a male varsity athlete of his team's recent initiation. "The rest of us drank tequila. You had to tell a joke, and it if wasn't funny you had to do a shot."

The student says he lost count of how much he had to drink, but it was probably seven or eight shots.

"I didn't feel uncomfortable about it," he says. "It was fun, bonding stuff. It was voluntary."

One male varsity sports team gives new members the choice to drink, says a member who spoke on condition of anonymity. If students agree, however, they are likely to drink a large amount.

"At my initiation, 12 people were locked in a room with a keg and told to finish it in half an hour," he says. "We figured out that was about 13 or 14 beers per person, not counting the beer that spilled."
