
Season Ends Valiently for Water Polo

* A loss to Brown eliminates Harvard from further play

First up were the Eagles. Having dropped two matches to the school earlier in the season, the Harvard players were eager for revenge.

They got it in the form of a 12-4 victory over the local rivals.

The Crimson seconded this win with a 11-3 victory over Fordham yesterday.

"The other two games basically made up for everything this weekend," Chen said. "We came out really strong. We had played B.C. earlier in the season and knew we could beat them. After that, Fordham was just the icing on the cake. It was the last game of the season, and a great way to end."

Indeed, Harvard demonstrated this weekend that the team has made significant gains in strength and ability throughout the season, culminating in its performance in the two season-closing wins.


"During the last three weeks our play has really improved," Benson said. "I think we played as well this weekend as we've played all year. No one quit, no one gave up the whole season. Our only disappointment was losing to Brown--I really think we outplayed them."

"The whole weekend everyone played tough and very strong," Chen said. "It just all came together."

The weekend also witnessed the reemergence of junior All-American Mike Zimmerman. Zimmerman, who was forced to miss the latter part of the season due to injury, tallied two goals in the Brown game and scored against both B.C. and Fordham as well.

All three contests, however, were perhaps anchored by the presence of Chen.

"Ed played great," Benson said. "Against Fordham he had 11 blocks in just one half. He is definitely about more than just making saves. He really was the quarterback for our defense this weekend, and one of the main reasons why our opponent's scores were kept so low."

Regrettably, though emerging from the weekend with two strong wins and only one loss, the Harvard men's water polo team has come to the end of its season.

Throughout the season, the Crimson battled intermittent scoring woes and struggled to provide a unified team strategy. Conversely, it demonstrated great athleticism and tremendous potential.

It was, therefore, a proud ending for a team that perhaps showed its true colors a little too late.

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