
W. Soccer Takes Home Identical Weekend Wins

Many players received playing time; all three goalkeepers played, even though none of them received much of a workout--in fact, they had no saves.

Central Connecticut had only two shots the entire game.

In contrast, Harvard deluged the Central Connecticut goalie with 24 shots.

"We were able to play a lot of people," Wheaton said. "We have the ability to play a lot of different players and maintain the same level of play."

With a little over five minutes remaining, Harvard received a scare. A Central Connecticut cross ricocheted off a Harvard defender's head and barely escaped wide of the goal.


However, Harvard quickly retained control and closed out its marginal victory.

"We would like to score more goals, but it's tough when you play against a team that packs it in like that," Wheaton said. "We had our chances, and we played with a lot of confidence."

This game--a non-league match--was a nice break for Harvard before it begins the final chase for the Ivy League title.

Its final three games will be against Ivy foes.

With Yale losing on Saturday, the Ivy League title is Harvard's to win.

"For us to stay in control of our own destiny, we need to win the last three games," Wheaton said. "Strange permutations can happen, but we'd like to just win it and be in control."

Although the Crimson has been creating so many scoring opportunities, there are no illusions about the need for increased scoring.

"We can't lose any more," said junior Jocelyn Ludwick. "It means we'll have to put the ball in the net."

Overall, the Crimson was happy with its performance and content to escape with a marginal victory.

"The result is what counts," Ludwick said. "A win is a win."

HARVARD, 1-0 at Ohiri FieldCentral Conn.  0  0  --  0Harvard  1  0  --  

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