
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work he goes!

After turning Harvard Dining Services around, 'Mealtime Messiah' Michael P. Berry heads To California to feed Mickey Mouse.

Away from the dining halls, Berry also concentrated on turning around the University's failing catering department. By splitting the operation into Crimson Catering and Harvard Express, the new director created a high-end catering division and a more casual, inexpensive caterer, which provides coffee and snacks for faculty receptions.

With the help of Berry's vision for improving the catering business, the HDS catering operations are serving 110,000 meals during Commencement Week and turning a profit.

An Impressive Legacy

Over time, Berry's innovations began to give the University's foodservice department a reputation worthy of the Harvard name.

This year, Berry won the Silver Plate Award from the International Food Service Manufacturers Association, honoring his leadership, community service and innovations. HDS as a whole was also awarded the Ivy Award by Restaurants and Institutions Magazine and won a prize for creative menus.


It was this growing reputation, Condenzio says, which moved Disney to give Berry an irresistible offer to relocate to Anaheim.

Despite his departure, it appears likely Berry's legacy will continue to guide HDS into the next century. He has crafted a mission statement with his team that the University foodservice leaders will continue to follow after their leader dons the Disney mouse ears.

In sum, the mission statement affirms that HDS is a dynamic organization, devoted to meeting its customers' needs. To remind employees of the centrality of their mission, every HDS office and facility has the mission statement hanging on the wall.

"For all Mike's magic, and there was an abundance," says Zeckhauser, "he did not do it alone, and there are many wonderful people in Dining Services to continue his legacy."

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