
University, Cambridge Agree on Housing Plan

"Harvard's offer is far better than its laughable first offer last fall," said Nancy Hall, an organizer at the tenant's-rights group Eviction Free Zone.

Hall attributed Harvard's reversal to pressure from within and from the community at large. At last night's City Council meeting, Hall thanked the Harvard Community for Affordable Housing, a pro-tenant student group, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Alliance for Affordable Housing, a similar alumni organization.

"These students, acting selflessly, supported their neighbors against their corporate university," Hall said.

JoAnne Preston, co-chair of the Agassiz Tenants' Organization, praised the University for its efforts.

"It's not often that Harvard offers the city something for nothing. This is one of those rare occasions," she said.


Harvard has also agreed to urge other Cambridge landlords to follow its example and sell a fraction of their formerly rent-controlled properties to the city.

University officials could not be reached for comment last night

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