
Marine Biologist, Historian Accept Tenure Offers


History professors praised Kafadar yesterday as an accomplished researcher and popular instructor.

For years, Kafadar has taught Historical Study A-40: "The Middle East and Europe Since the Crusades: Relations and Perceptions." He received a 4.3 in the 1995-96 CUE Guide, and the course earned a 4.0 out of five.

"He's been a wonderful teacher in the department and Core classes and I am sure he will continue to teach in both those areas, but also to add to the graduate field," said Professor William C. Kirby, chair of the History Department.

Kafadar has been an associate professor of history at Harvard since 1990, and has taught at Princeton University and Koc University in Istanbul.

"He's a wonderfully broad and deep scholar," Kirby said.


"He's a great addition, not just in terms of what he adds to the department, but in the way he adds to historical approach in general," Kirby said.

"He approaches [the Ottoman Empire] both from its origins and, from a fresh way, its decline," said Kirby.

Born in Istanbul, Kafadar received his bachelor's degree from Hamilton College, and his master's and doctoral degrees from McGill University in Canada.

Kafadar has received, among others, the Rockefeller Fellowship, Aga Khan Fellowship and the Bindra Fellowship.

Kafadar is also currently a member of the Standing Committees for both Inner Asian Studies and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.

The newly-tenured scholar could not be reached for comment yesterday

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