

Federal agents in Montana discover a typewriter which could link Kaczynski to the Unabomber's manifesto, as Harvard alumni recall a mysterious classmate.

As federal investigators continue a careful search of the isolated Montana cabin belonging to Theodore J. Kaczynski '62, one classmate says that he knew Kaczynski was a suspect in the Unabomber case last summer.

Gerald P. Burns '62, who says he was an acquaintance of Kaczynski at Harvard, says he learned of a connection between Kaczynski and the Unabom suspect nine months ago.

"Late last June, I got a call from a friend, who had been called several times by someone who was pitching evidence that Kaczynski was the Unabomber," Burn recalls. "He called me to ask me what to do."

Burns, who declined to reveal the identity of his friend, says he advised his friend to contact law enforcement authorities about Kaczynski's possible connection to the Unabom case.

"I was sworn to secrecy and kept my [own] mouth shut. But I told him to go to the FBI," Burns says.


"He's an acute person and I trusted his judgment," Burns says of his friend. "But I have no idea whether he took my advice."

Burns says he did not consider turning over the information to the FBI himself because it came to him indirectly.

"It was too inferential by the time it got to me," he says.

Burns says he believes his friend's contact once took a mathematics class taught by Kaczynski at the University of California at Berkeley.

Burns says he also believes Kaczynski had been approached law enforcement officials prior to being taken into custody on Wednesday.

"[My friend] said his informant had told him that the FBI had interviewed Ted about a year or two ago," Burns says.

"I was told they had at least interviewed him along with 100 or more other people," Burns says.

Careful Search

Federal agents yesterday found a manual typewriter in Kaczynski's cabin which appears to be the one the Unabomber used to type his letters and the manifesto against modern industry and technology published last year by The New York Times and The Washington Post.

The typewriter is being analyzed by the FBI in Washington, but "it looks like the manifesto and the letters from the Unabomber were typed on [it]," according to one official, who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity. "We'll know for sure after the detailed lab analysis."

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