Darren Rankin, the men's basketball captain, gets worried if not everything goes according to plan.
He has had Mountain Dew before every game since his summer leagues in high school. If game time approaches and he still hasn't had his Mountain Dew, he'll get anxious and earnestly try to find some.
Overall, Radtke says, that golfers have the most superstitions. He believes that this is because the amount of time when there is action is only a small proportion of the whole match. Most of the time is spent walking and waiting, and during that time the players have time to think about what is helping their game, and what's not.
The members of the men's golf team all wear "No Fear" hats, and the saying has become the team's motto. It is almost a way for the team to remind itself that a player's state of mind is just as integral as conditioning.
That and finding trash on the course.
Bo Williams contributed to the reporting of this article.