
Vice Presidential Candidates

Other issues addressed by the Hyman/Rawlins campaign platform, "A Student's Bill of Rights," are safety, advising, social issues and curriculum reform.

The council has made many strides in these areas this year, Rawlins says. "I really think the council has done a excellent job of coming together. The council is a responsive body that really does care."

Tally Zingher '99

The institution of popular elections should give the vice president a stronger voice on the council, says Tally Zingher '99 of Weld Hall.

"I don't want to see the vice president as a 'yes' person to the president," says Zingher, who is currently co-chair of the council's Campus Life Committee. "I don't want to give the president full control. It's important to have two independent people, two independent voices."


Zingher hopes to pursue a closer working relationship with University Hall as vice president. In the past, the president has been the key liaison, but the vice president should also meet with the deans to provide another opinion, Zingher says.

With the advent of popular elections, she sees the role of the vice president as becoming increasingly concerned with substantive issues.

"The council needs to find a better balance between advocating student concerns and being the entertainment committee of the campus," says Zingher.

Legislation she would like to work on includes making council members the "representatives" of individual student groups, creating the A-/B+ grade, implementing Core reform, improving lighting around the Yard and increasing shuttle services.

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