
Beavis, Butthead AND Cohen

For Etan J. Cohen '97, life doesn't "suck." The Dunster House resident is a writer for MTV's "Beavis and Butthead."

Although Cohen did not successfully comp the Lampoon until the second semester of his first year, he says he loved the humor magazine so much that he used to sleep there during his first two years at Harvard.

"I didn't want to leave," Cohen says.

Cohen's girlfriend, Emily J. Bowen '97 was also on the Lampoon her first year. A visual and environmental studies concentrator, Bowen joined the Lampoon as an artist.

Bowen also comped the Lampoon during her first year at Harvard, and the two met second semester at a cocktail party. Bowen was on the staff by then, but Cohen was still comping.

"I would say it was love at first sight," Bowen says of her meeting with Cohen.


Bowen and Cohen decided last summer that they would both work at MTV, and Bowen was just down the hall from her boyfriend as he interned under Brown at "Beavis and Butthead."

Indeed, Bowen says Cohen's affiliation with the raunchy, controversial show has only helped their relationship.

"Who isn't a viewer of 'Beavis and Butthead?'" Bowen says. "I like it even more now."

The Cohen family is not nearly so enthusiastic. Cohen says his parents are uncomfortable when Cohen's 12 year-old sister, Tamar, views the show.

"I'm not crazy about my sister watching it," Cohen says. "I definitely don't think ['Beavis and Butthead'] is a kids' show."

Cohen admits that he is concerned about children watching the show.

"It's true that [Beavis and Butthead] are kind of sick-minded," he says. "If a kid doesn't see that that's being made fun of, that's kind of dangerous."

Yet, even with his parents' restrictions on their daughter's viewing "Beavis and Butthead," Cohen's mother, Beth B. Cohen, says she and her husband are supportive of their son's work for the show.

His mother says she trusts her son and is not concerned about his writing at all.

"I'm very proud of his accomplishments and always have been," she says.

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