But Buell says any such speculation is not true.
"I've not had any difficulties working with Dean Lewis," Buell says. "I think this is a case of The Crimson looking for an argument that isn't there."
"Working relations between the two of us have been cordial," Buell says. "Dean Lewis is an activist dean and that has had ripple effects within the student body. But there hasn't been anything that has made my job difficult."
Lewis similarly dismisses suggestion of any conflict.
"Dean Buell and I have worked very closely together in discussions of advising, situations of students in our classes, and the like," Lewis says.
"Our offices are only a few steps apart and there is a regular flow of information back and forth," he says. "I certainly hope and expect that kind of cooperation and teamwork to continue under Deans Pilbeam and Todd."
No matter the reason behind his departure, Buell leaves the post with high praise from his colleagues for his devotion to improving the way undergraduates are taught.
"I think he has done an excellent job as 'pedagogical conscience' to the Faculty," Pilbeam says.
"He's been particularly concerned about teaching in small groups and has worked hard in improving the training for teaching fellows," Lewis says.