
Core Lotteries Send Students Scrambling

There were too many students who found that perfect Core this shopping period.

A high number of students in a few classes forced four courses to resort to a lottery selection, sending hundreds of students into an eleventh-hour scramble to find a fourth class.

Due to limited seating and the available pool of qualified teaching fellows, the lotteried classes in the Core used a standard selection procedure.

Privileges were given to students who had not passed the particular Core requirement, upperclass students and those who needed the course for a concentration requirement. Also favorably considered were transfer students and those not taking the class pass/fail.

Literature and Arts A-18, "Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood"; Science B-29, "Human Behavioral Biology"; Foreign Cultures 62, "Chinese Marriage, Family and Kinship" and Literature and Arts B-51, "First Nights" were lotteried.


Students recounted horror stories of having to pick courses almost at random shortly before yesterday's deadline for study cards.

"I was forced to take an upper-level class that I hadn't even shopped," said Adriana Pinon '98, who found out she didn't make the cut for B-29 Monday night. "I wish they would tell us earlier. Harvard has such a wealth of great classes, and they end up being chosen haphazardly."

First-years, with the lowest priority in the lottery, especially found themselves without a fourth course after being cut out from prospective Cores.

"I ended up with 32 minutes to find a course before I had to get my study card signed," said one first-year who was lotteried out of two classes and asked not to be identified. "I just picked one that I knew had not sectioned yet."

Adding to the frustration, Professor of German Maria M. Tatar's Fairy Tales and Fairbank Professor of Chinese Society James L. Watson's Chinese Family are expected not to be offered next year.

Science B-29 proved to be the source of the most disappointment and confusion.

Because of the newly formed Mind, Brain and Behavior (MBB) track--which has B-29 as a requirement--attendance for the class increased by 50 percent over last year, to about 580. The class is limited to an enrollment of 500.

However, since students who signed up for B-29 to meet a Core requirement have a higher priority than those seeking to satisfy a concentration requirement, many MBB concentrators who had already taken a Science B class found themselves shut out.

"I think they should be more considerate to those of us who need [B-29] for our concentration," said MBB concentrator Aerlyn Dawn '98. "Its frustrating that people are getting in over us who are taking it because they think it's a gut and won't even show up to lectures."

Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology Irven DeVore, who teaches Science B-29, said only that the ment of noted scholar and author Cornel West '74 to a position in the Department of Afro-American Studies.

In addition to adding his tremendous scholarship to Harvard, the appointment of Wilson is a "wonderful step" toward making Harvard's faculty more diverse, Carnesale said in an interview yesterday.
