
Council Says Tribe Unlikely to Hold Spring Concert

Band Will Not Have Music Tour; Other Allocations Sought for $15 Thousand

Singer also said he felt a survey would slow down council plans. Council members could gauge student feeling just as well by informal discussion, he said.

Robert M. Hyman '97-'98, council president and a sponsor of the concert, said that the extra time taken up by the survey would not prevent plans for a concert.

"While advance time is always helpful, it is still possible now to put on an exciting, community-building concert," he said.

Hyman also said he hoped that, whatever the survey results might be, the council would still try to put on a concert.

He said the council did not have any possible replacements for A Tribe Called Quest at this time.


It is also unclear whether the $5,000 Harvard Dining Services offered to supplement the Pepsi donation would be available if the council decided not to hold a concert, according to Hyman.

Hyman said that "it is unclear" whether HDS would be still be willing to donate the money for other purposes.

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