Eventually, Dornan said, he expects to shift his focus to his Congressional reelection campaign, perhaps running a more serious campaign for the presidency in four years or beyond.
But Dornan said he would not sacrifice precious time with his family for political success.
"If I do it," he said, "it will almost be like I'm telling my kids, 'I'm going in the monastery.... I'll see you in heaven.'"
Other Candidates
Dornan said he is happy to be in the race longer than opponent U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), who is expected to announce his withdrawal today.
"Phil Gramm had it all," Dornan said. "And now he is leaving with more money in the bank than any presidential candidate in the nation."
An opponent of U.S. involvement in Bosnia, Dornan criticized his opponents for spending too much time attacking each other and not enough time attacking President Clinton.
He urged the other candidates to bring up issues such as Whitewater and the President's dodging of the draft in the past.
"Dole never attacks Clinton--none of the other guys are attacking him," he said. "We have a moral crisis in the White House."
Dornan said his message to college students is to realize that this country supports two distinct political parties.
"Get active in both parties," urged Dornan. "Don't think that because you're in the sophomoric period in your life, you have to be a liberal."