She is a former managing editor of Perspective.
Jagsi was the legal committee director of Phillips Brooks House and a member of the band and wind ensemble. She concentrated in government and will study health care rationing.
"I am interested in what things we cannot afford to provide, in looking at ways they allocate health care," Jagsi said, noting she plans to engage in public service.
Lee, a graduate of the California Institute of Technology, worked for the U.S. Department of Justice and began a program in China last summer that helps finance elementary schools in poor villages.
Law school student Lee said of his interview: "We engaged in the Socratic method of questioning and answering. They take a particular point and try to nail you on it."
The Marshall Scholarship is named for former Secretary of State George Marshall.
Applicants provide a personal statement, transcript and two letters of recommendation. They also engage in a 30-minute interview.
Harvard had four winners last year.
--R. Alan Leo contributed to this story's reporting.